NAVIGATION: encoder > X7_ (eg_SinCos_Channel1) > Track signal correction (GPOC) X7

Track signal correction (GPOC) X7

For channels 1 and 2 the GPOC (Gain Phase Offset Correction) method can be activated for the analog track signals. This enables the mean systematic gain, phase and offset errors on the analog track signals to be detected and corrected. GPOC weights the amplitude of the complex pointer described by the track signals by special correlation methods. The dominant errors can thereby be determined very precisely, with no interference from other encoder errors, and then corrected.

Variants for track signal correction


P. no.

Parameter name



P 0549

P 0561

P 0586

ENC_CH1/2/3_Corr Selection of correction method
(0) OFF No method selected
(1) CORR Activate correction with stored values
(2) ADAPT Track signal correction with automatic (online) value tracking
(3) RESET Reset values

P 0550

P 0562

P 0587

ENC_CH1/ 2/3_CorrVal Signal correction / Values obtained
(0) OffsetA Offset, track A (sincos)
(1) OffsetB Offset, track B (sin)
(2) GainA Gain, track A (sincos)
(3) GainB Gain, track B (sin)
(4) Phase Phase

Tabelle: Parameters for track signal correction

Correcting track signals


When replacing a motor, the GPOC for this system must always be repeated.